25 April 2008

Thanks to Wendy and SCAT

It's not as if she doesn't have a thousand other things to do. So when
Somerville Community Access Television (SCAT) Executive Director, Wendy Blom comes down to your neighborhood to shoot a program herself, it sure feels like an honor. And this morning, we were very honored that she did just that.

Highlighting the shoot were interviews at 4 different locations along the Art Walk featuring the Somerville artists showing there and the business owners hosting their work. Kicking around stories of their collaborations were;
Vera Arias and Paul Robichaud at Joe's Liquors
Laura Keane and John Gogos at City Line Laundromat
Johnny Arguedas and Beto Marcos (it is with a 'c', isn't it, bet
o?) at Beto's Hair Salon
and Diego Guzman and Sammy Mulondo at Instant Shoe Repair.

Artists installed their work in the particular storefronts along Broadway themselves. But each installation was a joint project with the business, who suggested good placements, moved and cleared things, and generally helped make it happen. Each Art Walk location carries with it, it's own unique story of this collaboration.

Expected air date for the show is either late May or June. As soon as we know, we'll pass it along.

Wendy Blom tapes artist Johnny Arguedas outside of Beto's Hair Salon
as Johnny describes his Costa Rican photography.

City Line Laundromat's John Gogos takes matters into his own hands
and interviews Laura Keane about her installation in his windows.

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